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Why Do I Need Life Insurance?

Why Do I Need Life Insurance?

For many life insurance doesn’t cross our mind until a life changing event occurs. Getting married, buying a home and starting a family are some of the important events that get us thinking about our obligations, responsibilities and priorities.  Yet, only...
Understanding Investment Costs

Understanding Investment Costs

Whether your advisor earns a bundled commission or charges a fee for their services, it is important that as a client you understand how your advisor is compensated. Unfortunately, many investors might not fully understand the costs associated with...
TFSA versus RRSP

TFSA versus RRSP

TFSAs and RRSPs are important savings plans sponsored by the Government of Canada and generally one is not better than the other. They each have their own unique tax advantages and can work together to help maximize your savings Click on the link below to continue...

Insurance Lingo

Shopping for insurance can be challenging and confusing given the unfamiliar terms that are used in the industry. To help, Empire Life has created this quick reference infographic. Whether you are just staring your search for insurance, just got approved, or just...